This had me dying laughing before bed imagining a grown man chasing a chicken with a pistol. I was once told my dog was the worst watchdog ever: gave some friends from out of town the secret key to my house while I was at work and they told me when they walked in she was belly up wagging her tail waiting to be petted. That’s dogs for you.
“Fowl beast” is elite writing. Hats off 🐔
It was an inspired moment during a rewrite.
This had me dying laughing before bed imagining a grown man chasing a chicken with a pistol. I was once told my dog was the worst watchdog ever: gave some friends from out of town the secret key to my house while I was at work and they told me when they walked in she was belly up wagging her tail waiting to be petted. That’s dogs for you.
Thanks man. Coffee soon.
Haha! Great story, Sam!
I just reported the facts!
Love it!