This is so beautifully put and said. I feel the same and often wonder this too. Writing should feel like a good cup of coffee conversation, which is sometimes too is meant only for a small intimate few. Words are sacred and that means it’s to be treated as such.

Your perspective captured what I’ve thought in such a unique way. Well done!

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“Do I really want to create something that can only be compared to a virus?”

That is a brilliant comparison. This entire post is layered with incredible perspective. Thank you for sharing

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“I read every post about success on Substack. They’re mostly written by people who are successful on Substack because they’re selling other people on how to be successful on Substack.”

I have realized this and unsubscribed from all of these folks. Some people sell. They enjoy it and it works for them. I hate selling. I am interesting in creating (art not content). I think any of us with artistic ambitions creating because that’s what God made us to do feel this tension and recoil at the word content, which we then incorporate into the professional lives in which we prostitute our gifts for wages and health insurance.

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