Great story, Sam! You may not have connected for a homer, but you did play the game. That's pretty cool.

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Love this!

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Congrats on the little guy, man. I remember my Little League days. I was one of the lucky ones who got to hit a few homers. Had a fierce rivalry with a Puerto Rican pitcher. We both pitched and swung for the fences. I did that thing where you point the bat beyond the fence once and he laughed and then I homered off him. But I've also struck out swinging more times than I can count. I always think it's funny when baseball players say they can read the ball or pick where they hit it. Bologna! You close your eyes and swing and sometimes you hit a dinger and other times you nearly rip your side in two.

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My baseball career ended when pitches started curving. No clue what to do with that. As a fellow eye-closer, if the ball moves, I don't see it. Thanks for the comment man.

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